Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) MCQs
Categories: CCC
Q.1. DBMS stands for_.
- Database management system
- Database manageable system
- None of these
Answer: A. Database management system
Q.2. Full form of DMA?
- Direct memory access
- Difficulty memory authorization
- None of them
Answer: A. Direct memory access
Q.3. Fulll form of DNS?
- Domain numeric system
- Domain name system
- None of these
Answer: B. Domain name system
Q.4. DOS stands for?
- Device operating system
- Disk operating system
- None of these
Answer: B. Disk operating system
Q.5. Full form of DPI?
- Desk per inch
- Dots per inch
- None of these
Answer: B. Dots per inch
Q.6. Full form of DVD-R?
- DVD-Recordable
- DVD-Rearrangable
- None of them
Answer: A. DVD-Recordable
Q.7. DVR stands for_.
- Digital video recorder
- Digitally versatile recording
- None of them
Answer: A. Digital video recorder
Q.8. EDP stands for_.
- Electronic data processing
- Electrical data process
- None of these
Answer: A. Electronic data processing
Q.9. Full form of EDS is_____.
- Electronically desktop system
- Electronic data system
- None of them
Answer: B. Electronic data system
Q.10 GUI stands for_.
- Graphical user interface
- Graphic user info
- None of them
Answer: A. Graphical user interface