Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Question MCQ
Categories: TECHNOLOGY
1. Which of the following is not a type of Artificial Intelligence agent? a) Learning AI agent b) Goal-based AI agent c) Simple reflex AI agent d) Unity-based AI agent Answer: d 2. Which of the following is not the commonly used programming language for Artificial Intelligence? a) Perl b) Java c) PROLOG d) LISP Answer: a 3. What is the name of the Artificial Intelligence system developed by Daniel Bobrow? a) program known as BACON b) system known as STUDENT c) program known as SHRDLU d) system known as SIMD Answer: b 4. What is the function of the system Student? a) program that can read algebra word problems only b) system which can solve algebra word problems but not read c) system which can read and solve algebra word problems d) None of the mentioned Answer: c 5. Which of the following is not an application of artificial intelligence? a) Face recognition system b) Chatbots c) LIDAR d) DBMS Answer: d 6. Which of the following machine requires input from the humans but can interpret the outputs themselves? a) Actuators b) Sensor c) Agents d) AI system Answer: d 7. _________ number of informed search method are there in Artificial Intelligence. a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1 Answer: a 8. The total number of proposition symbols in AI are ________ a) 3 proposition symbols b) 1 proposition symbols c) 2 proposition symbols d) No proposition symbols Answer: c 9. The total number of logical symbols in AI are ____________ a) There are 3 logical symbols b) There are 5 logical symbols c) Number of logical symbols are based on the input d) Logical symbols are not used Answer: b 10. Which of the following are the approaches to Artificial Intelligence? a) Applied approach b) Strong approach c) Weak approach d) All of the mentioned Answer: d 11. Face Recognition system is based on which type of approach? a) Weak AI approach b) Applied AI approach c) Cognitive AI approach d) Strong AI approach Answer: b 12. Which of the following is an advantage of artificial intelligence? a) Reduces the time taken to solve the problem b) Helps in providing security c) Have the ability to think hence makes the work easier d) All of the above Answer: d 13. Which of the following can improve the performance of an AI agent? a) Perceiving b) Learning c) Observing d) All of the mentioned Answer: b 14. Which of the following is/are the composition for AI agents? a) Program only b) Architecture only c) Both Program and Architecture d) None of the mentioned Answer: c 15. On which of the following approach A basic line following robot is based? a) Applied approach b) Weak approach c) Strong approach d) Cognitive approach Answer: b 16. Artificial Intelligence has evolved extremely in all the fields except for _________ a) Web mining b) Construction of plans in real time dynamic systems c) Understanding natural language robustly d) All of the mentioned Answer: d 17. Which of the following is an example of artificial intelligent agent/agents? a) Autonomous Spacecraft b) Human c) Robot d) All of the mentioned Answer: d 18. Which of the following is an expansion of Artificial Intelligence application? a) Game Playing b) Planning and Scheduling c) Diagnosis d) All of the mentioned Answer: d 19. What is an AI ‘agent’? a) Takes input from the surroundings and uses its intelligence and performs the desired operations b) An embedded program controlling line following robot c) Perceives its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through actuators d) All of the mentioned Answer: d 20. Which of the following environment is strategic? a) Rational b) Deterministic c) Partial d) Stochastic Answer: b