Software Engineering Multiple Choice Question MCQ
Categories: Software Multiple Choice Question
1. The only reason an estimate may be unreliable is lack of experience with the application on the part of the estimator. (a) True (b) False Answer: B 2. The hardware required for most computer-based systems is more costly to purchase than the software. (a) True (b) False Answer: B 3. Since project estimates are not completely reliable, they can be ignored once a software development project begins (a) True (b) False Answer: B 4. The objective of software project planing is to (a) convince the customer that a project is feasible. (b) make use of historical project data. (c) enable a manager to make reasonable estimates of cost and schedule (d) determine the probable profit margin prior to bidding on a project. Answer: C 5. The project scope is defined as a means of bounding the system (a) functionality (b) performance (c) costs (d) schedule (e) a and b Answer: E 6. Software feasibility is based on which of the following (a) business and marketing concerns (b) scope, constraints, market (c) technology, finance, time, resources (d) technical prowess of the developers Answer: C 7. The number of people required for a software project is determined (a) after an estimate of the development effort is made. (b) by the size of the project budget. (c) from an assessment of the technical complexity of the system. (d) all of the above Answer: A 8. Reusable software components must be (a) catalogued for easy reference (b) standardized for easy application. (c) validated for easy integration. (d) all of the above Answer: D 9. The software engineering environment (SEE) consists of which of the following? (a) customers (b) developers (c) hardware platforms (d) software tools (e) c and d Answer: E 10. Software project estimation techniques can be broadly classified under which of the following headings? (a) automated processes (b) decomposition techniques (c) empirical models (d) regression models (e) b and c Answer: E 11. The size estimate for a software product to be built must be based on a direct measure like LOC. (a) True (b) False Answer: B 12. Problem-based estimation is based on problem decomposition which focuses on (a) information domain values (b) project schedule (c) software functions (d) process activities (e) a and c Answer: E 13. LOC-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on (a) information domain values (b) project schedule (c) software functions (d) process activities Answer: C 14. FP-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on (a) information domain values (b) project schedule (c) software functions (d) process activities Answer: A 15. Process-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on (a) information domain values (b) project schedule (c) software functions (d) process activities (e) c and d Answer: E 16. Unlike a LOC or function point each person’s “use-case” is exactly the same size (a) True (b) False Answer: B 17. When agreement between estimates is poor the cause may often be traced to inadequately defined project scope or inappropriate productivity data. (a) True (b) False Answer: A 18. Empirical estimation models are typically based on (a) expert judgement based on past project experiences (b) refinement of expected value estimation (c) regression models derived from historical project data (d) trial and error determination of the parameters and coefficients Answer: C 19. COCOMO II is an example of a suite of modern empirical estimation models that require sizing information expressed as: (a) function points (b) lines of code (c) object points (d) any of the above Answer: D 20. Putnam's software equation is a dynamic empirical model that has two independent parameters: a size estimate and an indication of project duration in calendar months or years. (a) True (b) False Answer: A